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The Social Media Contributor Comments: March 3, 2013



Hark The Heralds

Hark the Heralds


I saw the Army Herald Trumpets — on TV – during the 2013 Presidential Inauguration. Oh how magnificent! Sharp, crisp, and majestic. The moment took me back to my Army Supply Sgt days.
Kill the Mockingbirds
My bands had Heralds on our TO&E (property book), yet we never used them. Gathering dust, the horns were not [necessarily] fraud, waste and abuse. They were never utilized.
To my surprise, other Army Band Supply Sgts. Reported the same reality…”No one uses these blank_n_blank [herald] trumpets.” The question is: Why did were have them?
Nestled within this question, I ponder the rationale for the D.C. Band having Heralds. Not sure, but perhaps someone (1983-1992) had the brain to suggest: “All Bands need Heralds.”
Have any of you all worked with Heralds? What was your Band’s utilization of these horns? Are Heralds still included on the TO&E? Post your feedback on the comments section, FACEBOOK page, or pop me an email…

Herald Trumpets practice for 57th Presidential Inauguration via YouTube…


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