for the 2013 Inauguration We’ve survived the 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign; now it time to start politics and government anew. 2009 ushered in the inauguration of the Nation’s first African-American President . 2013 will renew the incumbent president’s second term. Without regard to political affiliations, inaugural ceremonies and parades are an exciting time at the Nation’s Capital. |
As Mr. (Lawrence) Welk used to say, “Strike Up the Band; aOneandaTwoandA..”Doesn’t all
of this Hoopla make you want to go outside, instrument-in-hand, and REPORT for DRILL BAND!
* Footnote: There is no group known as the ‘Old Guard Band’. The musical ensembles in the video are known as
the United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” and The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps.
As noted by Mitchell Spray [ via Facebook – ]
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