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In 2014, we created MilitaryBandsman.Com Radio, featuring assorted videos we found on the web.

We also posted a monthly PodCast broadcast reviewing the prior month’s activities on our website.

Hosted by US Army Vietnam veteran Ken McConnell and All Star radio broadcaster Brett Stevens, we shared military band trivia, links to commendable charitable organizations serving veterans and their families and the military in general, new veteran and active duty bandsmen and women added to our website, our Facebook groups and page activities and upcoming military band concerts and events.

We are currently reevaluating our PodCast broadcast presentations and will soon determine subsequent postings.

In the meantime, enjoy our monthly MilitaryBandsman.Com Radio PodCasts for 2014 by clicking on the image to the left of the month you’d like to hear!

You can also view and listen to other military band related videos directly on YouTube by visiting MilitaryBandsman.Com Radio.
Just click on the Link button    to the right of the YouTube logo below!


PodCast Logo   JAN          PodCast Logo FEB          PodCast Logo MAR

PodCast Logo APR         PodCast Logo MAY          PodCast Logo JUN



PodCast Logo JUL          PodCast Logo AUG          PodCast Logo SEP

PodCast Logo OCT         PodCast Logo NOV          PodCast Logo DEC


          Our 2014 Monthly PodCasts were proudly presented by:

Ken McConnell

US Army Vietnam Veteran & Radio Broadcaster
Brett Stevens

All Star Radio Broadcaster