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The Social Media Contributor Comments: December 14, 2012



How Tower of Power made me join the Army Band

During the 70’s, I –like every other wannabe brass player — wanted to play like the Tower of Power horns.

Their glaring and shrilling high notes; lightning fast and crisp riffs and licks. Yes…I wannabe like T.O.P (aka Tower of Power) once I graduate from high school.

As high school came to a close, the stark reality of HOW came into focus. Fortunately, I had studied for two years under my mentor…former USAESOM (school of music) brass instructor, Army Master Sergeant Daniel Ramirez. Dan suggested: “Andre, you have potential; I see you as an Army Bandsman.”

So off I went…into the Army to become a Brassman ala T.O.P. The cruel reality is that I signed up to become…without realizing…that I’d soon become a bonafide Soldier-Musician. A S/M was a musician of the highest order; however, that musicianship was viewed upon as secondary to the primary mission of soldiering.

Not to be undone, I played on…err, rather, I Soldieredon! Oh yeah, what became of the dream to become one of the T.O.P.?
Funny you should ask…check out this video below.

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